The Stibnite Advisory Council, representing the communities which signed the Community Agreement with Midas Gold, has completed another year around the table.  Over this past year, the group has diligently worked to meet our defined mission to act as liaisons for our communities, gather information, respond to community member questions, and advocate for solutions and opportunities to support our region.

Throughout the last year, the Stibnite Advisory Council has continued to meet every other month in online meetings that are open for the public to observe.  

The Stibnite Advisory Council maintains a website at,  which provides ongoing meeting summaries and contact information for community representatives.  

Individual council members have reported back to our community leaders, to update on the actions of the Stibnite Advisory Council.

The Council requested and received presentations from Midas Gold regarding many different aspects of the proposed Stibnite Gold Project, including water quality, tailings facility design and transportation.

Council members continue to receive questions from community representatives reflecting their concerns and thoughts on the project and have worked to get answers or additional information regarding these subject matters. 

An extensive Q&A document has been created and posted the SAC website and continues to be expanded as information is exchanged.  

Each community represented on the Council submitted a letter commenting on the draft Environmental Impact Study during the recently closed NEPA comment period.  

The Council issued an ongoing workforce survey to provide helpful information regarding the possible impact and needs of the Stibnite Gold project on the region.  

Moving into their third year, the Stibnite Advisory Council will continue to hold virtual meetings every other month as each representative shares their community’s strengths and challenges.  The comments received regarding the project will be used to persevere in the Council’s goal to determine the changes each community may encounter due to Midas Gold’s proposed project.  

An inventory of the area’s supporting industries and possible business opportunities the project may facilitate are being reviewed.  Transportation impacts and environmental matters will always be part of the Council’s ongoing discussions.

The Stibnite Advisory Council has been extremely successful in creating a discussion group model which involves collaboration that is unbiased and diverse while maintaining regional and community relevance.  As the Council continues to gather information regarding Midas Gold’s proposed project, this type of dialogue will benefit many current and future endeavors.