The Stibnite Advisory Council gives communities a seat at the table with Midas Gold and the opportunity to help shape the Stibnite Gold Project. The council meets monthly to discuss the impacts, concerns and opportunities surrounding the project. The Stibnite Advisory Council is comprised of appointed representatives from eight communities near the project site and Midas Gold. Here is a summary of what was discussed during the March 14, 2019 Stibnite Advisory Council meeting:

Lynn Imel – Yellow Pine
Ronda Rogers – Yellow Pine Alternate Gene Tyler – Donnelly
Julie Good – New Meadows
Darla Webber – New Meadows Alternate Glenna Young – Cascade
Tami Testa – Council
Denis Duman – Idaho County
Joe Iveson – Adams County
Anne Labelle – Midas Gold Corp.
Laurel Sayer – Midas Gold Idaho

Bob Crump – Riggins

Summary approved by the Chair
Distributed on March 14, 2019 to Advisory Council

1. Decision was made to record the Stibnite Advisory Council meetings.
2. Meeting protocol for the public will be listen and observe.
3. Discussed need for questions to be fielded through the community’s representatives. No new questions were presented to the Advisory Council from Cities or Counties at this time.
4. Discussed community input process from unrepresented areas.