The Stibnite Advisory Council gives communities a seat at the table with Perpetua Resources and the opportunity to help shape the Stibnite Gold Project. The council meets monthly to discuss the impacts, concerns and opportunities surrounding the project. The Stibnite Advisory Council is comprised of appointed representatives from eight communities near the project site and Perpetua Resources. Here is a summary of what was discussed during the February 11, 2021 Stibnite Advisory Council meeting:

Lynn Imel – Yellow Pine
Belinda Provancher – Midas Gold Idaho Gene Tyler – Donnelly
Julie Good – New Meadows
Bob Crump – Riggins
Laurel Sayer – Midas Gold Corp
Joe Iveson – Adams County
Denis Duman – Idaho County
Pat DeHaas – Council

Glenna Young – Cascade

Distributed on February 11, 2021 to Advisory Council

Council reviewed 2021 appointments and voted on board positions for the coming year.

Council reviewed meeting schedule for 2021 and will return to monthly meetings.

Council received a presentation on the Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent from Mckinsey Lyon, Midas Gold

Council received an update presentation on the ModPro2 from Mckinsey Lyon, Midas Gold.

Environmental working group presented thoughts on a Community Water Monitoring Program.

Council discussed community concerns worksheet and working groups will prioritize action items for 2021.

Council Representatives provided an update from their respective communities.