The Stibnite Advisory Council gives communities a seat at the table with Midas Gold and the opportunity to help shape the Stibnite Gold Project. The council meets monthly to discuss the impacts, concerns and opportunities surrounding the project. The Stibnite Advisory Council is comprised of appointed representatives from eight communities near the project site and Midas Gold. Here is a summary of what was discussed during the October 10, 2019 Stibnite Advisory Council meeting:


Lynn Imel – Yellow Pine

Ronda Rogers – Yellow Pine Alternate

Julie Good – New Meadows

Glenna Young – Cascade

Bob Crump – Riggins

Joe Iveson – Adams County

Laurel Sayer – Midas Gold Idaho


Anne Labelle – Midas Gold Corp

Tami Testa – Council

Gene Tyler – Donnelly

Distributed on October 10, 2019 to Advisory Council

  1. Council members reviewed a draft appointment letter and representative responsibilities for the appointment of the 2020 representatives from each signatory to the Community Agreement. Both forms were approved with minor adjustments.  Representative responsibilities and appointment letter to the appropriate signatory will be sent out in November for consideration and appointment of their 2020 representative by January 25, 2020.
  2. The Council members were reminded that we need to do an annual by-law review and it was decided to review the by-laws in March of each year.
  3. Council had a quick follow up on the Stibnite project tour last month. There were no additional questions.
  4. The working groups asked if Midas Gold would do a presentation on workforce needs. A follow up discussion of current workforce in each signatory location will take place at the November meeting.
  5. Council members had a brief discussion about the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) comment period and the Council decided they would like to invite the Forest Service to do a presentation on the details around the comment period at the November meeting.
  6. Community representatives provided updates on their communities.