The Stibnite Advisory Council gives communities a seat at the table with Perpetua Resources and the opportunity to help shape the Stibnite Gold Project. The council meets monthly to discuss the impacts, concerns and opportunities surrounding the project. The Stibnite Advisory Council is comprised of appointed representatives from eight communities near the project site and Perpetua Resources. Here is a summary of what was discussed during the May 11, 2023 Stibnite Advisory Council meeting:

Lynn Imel – Yellow Pine
Belinda Provancher – Perpetua Resources Idaho
Laurel Sayer – Perpetua Resources Corp.
Julie Good – New Meadows
Barry Crandell – Adams County
Tom Reinhardt – Cascade
John Sommerwerck – Donnelly

Bob Crump – Riggins & Idaho County

Distributed on May 12, 2023 to the Stibnite Advisory Council and media outlets.

Council received an ASAOC update from Laurel Sayer and she introduced Iron Woman Construction and Environmental Services as the summer contractor.

Iron Woman Construction spoke to their commitment for safety and their overall safety record, upcoming job fairs and shared their excitement of being in Valley County. 

Recon Insight Group reviewed their statement of work for an updated economic study.

Council reviewed a one-page workforce survey summary document prepared by GS Strategies.

Council reviewed meeting times and content to stay within timeframe.

Council approved business card design and community representative flyer.

Council shared community representative reports.

Next Stibnite Advisory Council meeting will be held June 8, 2023.